CS3 What the ...?
(too old to reply)
2007-08-01 23:23:30 UTC
I always thought that the CS version sucked a little bit... But now that I have
CS3, Boy does it suck!
Does anyone at Adobe actually work with the crap they produce???
This company has been looking more and more like microsoft. FEATURITIS is a
software sickness.
When do we also have to use our toes for "shortcuts"? in CS4 maybe?

2007-10-23 14:15:14 UTC
Amazing ! NOBODY at &?%(?%$ Adobe has the courage to say anything about my
comments. Or maybe nobody can type, they all became crippled from using their
softwares ?

BTW, Has anyone noticed that it takes twice as more mouse clicks to do a job
now than 6 years ago ? (stupid example Photoshop CS3 : See all menu items)
2007-10-31 13:33:47 UTC
I find that they have broken it down for beginners
